When the hot days start to add up, we can do some pretty interesting things to keep cool. If we’re honest, here in the NEK we aren’t really the hot heat type of folk, we aren’t used to so much …heat! If you need some help beating the summer heat and an air conditioner isn’t an option, here are a few suggestions:
Freeze your sheets and pillowcases: It sounds silly, but this is advice coming in from some of the top sleep doctors in the country (https://www.sleepfoundation.org/bedroom-environment/sleeping-when-its-blistering-hot) Before bedtime, place your sheets and pillowcases in the freezer for an hour or two to keep them cool while you sleep. It should at least help you drift off in a cooler way and that’s what we need to fall asleep on the hot days – not toss and turn in the sweaty sheets.

Throw your socks in the freezer: While we’re at it, let’s toss in the socks as well. Admit it, we’ve all put on a pair of cold boots or sneakers in the winter to find out just how quickly it sends a chill into the body, right? We can do that now too! Try freezing your socks for a little cooling treat for your feet. (Which may help regulate your whole body temperature!)

Use fans strategically: Not everyone has air conditioning, but most of us have access to fans. Fans are mostly affordable and nowadays you can buy them in just about every type of store or have them delivered right to your home. Be strategic about where you place your fans around your room or office. Try putting the fan beside your bed or on your desk with a bowl of ice water (be careful, water and electricity don’t mix) to create cold air and face a window fan outward to expel hot air from the room.
Stay hydrated: It may seem like we try to sneak this into every column we can, but it’s true, being hydrated certainly is a solution to many things! Drinking plenty of water throughout the day help us to stay cool and prevent dehydration. Sweat is the body’s way of cooling itself down, so be sure to have enough liquids inside you to foster that goal.

Close up your house: Keep sunlight out by closing curtains and blinds to prevent excess heat from entering your home, apartment, office or wherever you want. It’s too easy not to.

Use cotton sheets and light bedding & pajamas: If the heat is ruining your sleep, think light and airy! Opt for breathable materials like cotton for sheets and pajamas that allow for better airflow. Don’t weigh yourself or your bed down with bulky materials.
Take a cool shower: Lower your body temperature by taking a cool shower. Or jump in a cool pool, lake or stream. Cooler water will cool the body. This is even better to do before bed so you can sleep nicely.

Avoid using heat-generating appliances: The more heat you add to your space, the more heat you add to your space. Think about what you can cut back on during these hot spells like: ovens, laundry and hair dryers. All these big and small heat-generating tools add to the temperature.
Open your windows: There’s an odd myth that opening the windows will let the heat in. Open windows on opposite sides of your home to allow for cross-ventilation and improve airflow. Open windows at night when the temperature drops, just open them. Having airflow is important during these hotter seasons.
Perhaps you found a new tip or two to start incorporating into your routine this summer or anytime that you need to lower the temperature. Maybe this list also got you thinking about other ways you can stay cool without relying on the number one air cooling tool: an air conditioner. While they are great, we now know the summer heat has no way to beat us this year as we try out all these tips and more. Sure, there are some who like it hot, and they can sweat it out, but there are some who need this list. Not everyone is living for the hot days – some don’t like it hot!