Is It A Wrap?

  We love our outdoor activities! Whether it’s more play time with the kids outside in the yard or hiking adventures in the mountains, Vermonters surely know how to take advantage of fun in the sun. However, have you noticed …
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Some Don’t Like It Hot

  When the hot days start to add up, we can do some pretty interesting things to keep cool. If we’re honest, here in the NEK we aren’t really the hot heat type of folk, we aren’t used to so …
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Don’t Let The Summer Pass You By!

As the 4th of July and the parades pass us by, there’s sometimes a melancholy that can fill the summer air. While some can be energized by the contagious fuel that 4th of July celebrations bring, other may feel a …
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Sticking to the 4!

  Celebrating the 4th of July in the NEK is priceless! Communities come together town after town to don their red, white and blue pride and remember what unites us, this land, this country and our freedoms. However, with so …
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Everyone Deserves A Happy 4th!

You know June is doing it’s job when it suddenly hits you, next week is the 4th of July! No need to panic – although, that’s real right? For some a holiday comes with instant anxiety, preconceived notions about unmet …
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S.U.M.M.E.R. Success!

Summer is HERE in the NEK! The heat is in full force, and we may be asking ourselves if this is what we were really missing? With the sudden heatwave, you may be feeling overwhelmed and wondering if this summer …
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