It’s the second week of the new year! As most people are back into their traditional routines, it may be hitting you that you didn’t set an intention or goal for the year. This is a crucial practice for personal and professional development. Many people will let fear steal another year from them with no growth or improvements, but we know that our readers are WELL readers looking to live healthier, happier and fuller lives! With this in mind, we came up with a special W.E.L.L.  framework for success!

  1. Write it Down

The first step in setting a goal is to write it down. You can “think,” about anything, but to write it down, makes it real! Write down, this year I will…..and then finish it with so I can ….. For example: This year I will go to bed before midnight every night so that I can have more energy during the day. Being clear about your what and your why is a tangible commitment to yourself. Be clear and concise in your goal, to help solidify your intention and provide a reference point as you progress. Do I have to write it down? YES! Writing down your goals allows you to revisit them regularly, reinforcing your commitment and motivation. Consider keeping a dedicated journal or notebook to also keep track of your progress.

  1. Evaluate

The next step is to evaluate. How feasible and relevant is this goal? This is something you can write about in your journal. Ask yourself: Is this goal realistic? Does it align with my values and long-term objectives? Why is this meaningful to me right now? How will my life change if I meet this goal? How will I feel when I achieve this? Evaluating your goal ensures that it is not only achievable but also meaningful in the context of your life. Once you start to think about how you will feel and how your life will be different, the goal will start to feel that much more real! You will feel more motivated to making the dream a reality. If you notice obstacles or concerns coming up as you evaluate, this is the time to plan for success around these possible issues. It’s always easier to problem solve before the problem arises!

  1. Lift Your Feet

The next step is action! Break your goal into small manageable steps. Then, lift your feet and take it one small step at a time! Even better, list your steps out one by one. Listing these steps creates a roadmap that guides you toward achieving your objective. For example, if your goal is to save $5,000 for a vacation within a year, outline specific actions such as creating a monthly budget, setting aside a certain amount each month, or finding additional sources of income. Then, how will you save? Cash in a jar? In your bank account? Once you have the steps set up, take them! No matter how big or small your goal or intention is this year, it will be less overwhelming to know what your next best step is rather than just thinking about getting to the end. Each small step also gives you a chance to celebrate your small wins along the way!

  1. Leverage Support

Last but not least, get some support! Leveraging support from others is often what steers people away from goals because they don’t want anyone to know if they fail. However, when you share your goals with friends, family members, or colleagues, they can provide encouragement and accountability, or you never know, they may join in too. Having an accountability partner can significantly increase your chances of success by keeping you motivated and on track. Other areas of leverage can be workshops, classes, local or online communities, advisors or whomever you feel you can relate with someone or a group about your aspirations. Engaging with supportive networks fosters motivation and provides valuable insights from those who have successfully achieved similar goals.

In a world where goals are out and egos and refusing to risk losing are in, don’t be a goal loser, be the goal getters we all want to be! We need to know how much easier the work week is when we have a fun weekend planned, or how much faster time goes when we have something specific on the calendar. Imagine how fun, fast and quickly the year will go when you are working towards meeting and beating your goals? Imagine this year, the confidence, pride and empowerment you will feel as you meet and beat the goals you have set.  By following the W.E.L.L. framework—writing it down, evaluating its feasibility, lifting your feet, and leveraging support—you can set clear and achievable goals that enhance your whole life, making your year that much more WELL!